You probably know more than your fair share of negative people! Some of them may even be your friends or family, which is difficult because you still love them and want to be around them.
Since they’re everywhere, it’s important to know how to coexist with negative people. They can have an impact on your attitude and your day, but that doesn’t have to be the case.
This post is going to outline a few ways you can focus on the good things and become positive influence, even if it seems like everyone around you has a negative outlook on life.
“You can only overcome a negative attitude with a positive attitude.” ― Lailah Gifty Akita, Think Great: Be Great!
Practice these strategies to avoid allowing negative people to negatively impact your life.
Try to influence others
Understand that you can only control yourself, but you can influence others.
You can’t snap your fingers and make the people around you take a more positive view of the world. But you can control yourself and how you choose to react to their negativity.
You might even be able to sway people over to your way of thinking a little bit. Set a good example and be a positive influence on those around you.
Be grateful
One way to maintain a positive attitude is to remind yourself of the positive. When you’re feeling run down by the negativity around you, make a quick mental list of the things in your life that you’re thankful for. It will give your mood a quick boost.
Remember that it’s not about you
Everyone has their challenges and issues. There’s no reason to be upset that someone has a negative attitude.
It likely doesn’t have anything to do with you at all. It could be circumstances in their life or their basic nature. Just keep on doing what you’re doing.
You have the choice to be positive or negative
You can choose to be affected or not by the people around you. Focus on yourself and keep your chin up. Take care of your business and let others view the world however they choose.
Speak up
Sometimes it can be helpful to tell people to just cut it out. Many people will push until someone calls them on their behavior.
Have a frank talk with someone that’s perpetually negative. Maybe they’re not aware of the impact they’re having on others.
Spend time with positive people
Recharge your batteries with the positive energy of other positive people. Get away from those negative people and spend time with people full of positive attitude.
It doesn’t take long to recenter yourself when you surround yourself with the right people. It’s amazing what a big change you’ll notice when you’re surrounded by others with the same goals and aspirations as yourself rather than negative people who will try to bring you down.
“You cannot expect to live a positive life if you hang with negative people.” ― Joel Osteen
Make the most of your time alone
Make the most of the time you have to yourself. Do things you really enjoy doing, read positive affirmations, or watch feel-good movies.
Put your attention on positivity. It can be like armor against negative people.
Headphone can be your friend
If the situation permits, put on some headphones or earbuds. What you can’t hear can’t bother you.
Consider listening to a positive podcast or music that makes you feel good. If your work situation allows this, it would be silly not to take advantage of it.
Stay away
There are plenty of people in your life that are optional. Stay away from negative people that you don’t have to associate with. You have some control over who is part of your life and who is not.
Negative people will drag you down if you let them. Take steps to minimize the impact they have on your life. Practice gratitude each day, and you can maintain a positive perspective. Block negative people out with headphones and stay away from as many negative people as possible.
Negative people will always be around, but you can choose to deal with them and still be a positive person.
“A negative attitude drains, a positive attitude energizes.” ― Lindsey Rietzsch, The Happy Lady
One thing that drives us to become entrepreneurs is the desire to “do what you want,” but are you even sure of what you really want? Have you been struggling you find your passion?
If you’re lucky, you’ve already discovered many of your passions and get to spend much of your time enjoying things that bring you excitement and joy. However, maybe you’ve not yet connected with activities, skills, and interests that ignite your passion. It takes time, soul-searching, and some life experience to identify your true passions.
“If you don’t love what you do, you won’t do it with much conviction or passion.” — Mia Hamm
Find your passion through these 15 questions
The prompts below can help you tap into your wants, needs, desires, and fantasies. Have fun with them and discover what you can add to your life that will fill it with delight!
What’s the one thing I’ve always wanted to do?
Consider what would need to happen in order for you to carry through with this long-sought wish. Make a plan and get started.
If I could spend today doing whatever I desire, what would it be?
Let your mind go. It could be something related to your work, your home, or simply a lark.
Where do I really want to live?What city and what type of residence?
Perhaps you’re already fulfilling this passion and you do live in your true first choice. If not, ponder the possibilities of moving to a place you’ll love.
Where would I like to visit?
Perhaps you’re harboring a secret yearning to visit Washington, D.C. or Westminster Abbey in London. The streets of Hong Kong may be calling your name or even the Grand Canyon.
Can you make it happen?
What do I talk about doing but never do it?
In a conversation, you might state something like, “For the last 10 years, I’ve really wanted to take a cruise to the Caribbean.”
What are the reasons I don’t go after my dreams?
Explore within yourself why you haven’t pursued the life you want. Can you do something differently to help bring your dreams to life?
How will I finish the sentence, “More than anything, before I die, I want to ___________?”
Say it out loud and fill in the blank. Then, figure out a way to accomplish your wish.
What are the things in my life that I would like to get rid of?
If you’re discovering you don’t love everything about your life, maybe it’s time to do some “housecleaning.” Make a list of the ways you’d like your life to change.
Which people in my life inspire me and why?
It’s important to know who inspires you so you can spend more time with them. What is it about them that lights you up so much? Decide to take every step to be inspired more often.
If I were to make just one radical change in my life right now to make life better, what would it be?
Your answer to this question will really open up your possibilities. Moving to a bigger city might really spice up your life.
Getting more education might be a goal—plus you’ll likely make more money. You’ll be happier if you chase your dreams. Make 1 change.
How do I feel when I put all my effort into accomplishing one of my goals?
Notice these feelings. You’ll no doubt want to experience them more often.
How do I feel whenever I achieve a life goal?
Acknowledge how you feel whenever you complete a goal, whether it’s a a long-term goal or a simple daily goal.
What’s missing from my life?
Answering this question may require considerable soul-searching. Don’t think only about material things, but also connections or feelings.
Who are my biggest supporters?
It’s wise to know the people that will stand behind you and help you pursue your passions, no matter what.
Who gets in the way of me achieving my goals?
In order to find or achieve your true passions, you might be required to disengage from those who wish to counteract your efforts.
“It’s your place in the world; it’s your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live.” — Mae Jemison
Your true passions are inside you, just waiting to be let loose to bring you excitement, joy, and fulfillment. Take the time to go through each of these questions thoroughly. By the time you’re finished, you’ll discover something new about yourself!
“Acknowledging the unproductive thoughts and ineffective behavior that you’ve tried to ignore can be uncomfortable. But, stepping out of your comfort zone and choosing to proactively address bad habits will skyrocket your ability to create long-lasting change.” — Amy Morin
While trying to think of titles for this post, I had quite a bit of trouble thinking of a different way to say “step out of your comfort zone.” Is there really any other way to say this, besides “broaden your horizon?”
I couldn’t really find much, so I apologize for the lack of variation!
But enough of that, let’s talk about how to get started with stepping outside of your comfort zone and a few ideas you can try to broaden your horizons, whether it’s in your personal life or related to your job or business.
How to successfully step outside of your comfort zone
An important aspect of self-development is to know when it’s time to change something about yourself. When you change, you often become more knowledgeable, skilled, and comfortable about a task or situation.
As your business grows, you’re going to find yourself in a variety of new situations and new roles as you deal with marketing, production, accounting, and sales. And that’s just to name a few!
Any kind of change, even if it will make your life more enjoyable or your business more profitable, can be difficult because it involves stepping out of your comfort zone.
However, the more you push yourself to step out of your comfort zone, the more you gain. The more you gain, the easier and more likely it becomes that you’ll be willing to push yourself again in the future.
For some of us, this might seem overwhelming, overly challenging, or just plain scary, but there are ways to expand your comfort zone gently. It doesn’t matter how you get there, as long as you complete the journey.
Start slowly
Before we get on to the list, let’s first talk about starting slowly.
Big changes tend to feel the most uncomfortable, so it’s best to start with small first. The thought of doing 50 push-ups for the first time in five years is daunting. The thought of doing one isn’t a problem.
Create small changes and then increase those changes over time. This is a great way to keep the discomfort at minimum.
You might even find that after you take the first step, you’re willing to go just a little bit further right away. If not, that’s fine, you still made the first step!
You can try something that’s on this list or refer to that list of your own that’s been sitting around in the back of your head.
If you’ve been waiting for some sort of permission to act, I’m giving it to you right now! You don’t need it, but if it’s what’s been keeping you from trying something, here’s your sign to try it.
Acknowledge any discomfort
Your feelings are normal. Almost everyone feels a bit unsettled when they do something for the first time. After you identify those fears, it actually becomes easier to try something new.
Jot down what scares you when it comes to engaging in the experience.
Recognize that thousands of others have likely done what you want to embark on and they made it through.
You may feel a bit fearful, but plan to dive in to the experience anyway.
Recognize the awesomeness of trying something different
You’ll always have the memory of the experience within you. Make sure you take a moment to soak in the feeling of pushing yourself past your self-imposed limits, especially if it was a positive experience.
Knowing that you felt good or energized after completing the activity, and that the world didn’t fall apart, will help you feel more comfortable when its time for the next activity.
Sprinkle your confidence on others
If your friends tell you they feel like they never do anything interesting, give them encouragement to go for something they want to experiment with. Share a recent personal story of how you were hesitant to engage in a new experience. Tell them they can learn to embrace new things.
Find a mentor
If you still struggle when trying new things, find a mentor. Choose someone you see as the type of person who just goes for it, regardless of what “it” is. Spend time with your mentor and pick his brain about his process of experimenting with new things.
When we see and learn about someone else’s bravery and sense of adventure, then we can be brave and adventurous, too.
Visualize the desired experience
Imagine what it will be like to experience something you’ve longed to do. Picture it in your mind.
For example, maybe you’ve always wanted to go kayaking, but were afraid to try it. Close your eyes and imagine yourself sitting in the kayak, floating down the river. You see the birds, the fauna, and the fish in the water.
As you let yourself visualize the experience¸ you see that it will be marvelous. Then, go sign up for your first kayaking lesson!
Stepping out of your comfort zone can be an exhilarating experience. Lose yourself by trying new things. Who knows, you may even discover a whole new you! At any rate, you’ll greatly increase the enjoyment in your life.
12 ideas to broaden your horizons
Do something new once a week
Don’t get stuck in a rut. Instead, open your mind to original ideas and experiences. Engage in a new activity every 7 days or so.
Maybe you’ll try reading a biography instead of a mystery. Jogging every so often on your daily walk brings variety.
I like to do one huge new thing that’s completely out of character for me each month as well. If I keep it at just one thing, Often it’s really exciting because it’s something I’ve always wanted to do.
You can try this with something that’s exciting for you but you’ve been off, too.
Eat something new
Most of us are a little hesitant to try a new food, but it’s a non-threatening way to stretch your comfort zone. Try a new restaurant or a new fruit from the grocery store.
Perhaps there’s a new recipe you’ve been curious to try for the first time. Go for it!
Read something new
Not just new, but something that’s totally different from what you’d normally read. Use reading to gain a different perspective or just enjoy something out of the ordinary.
Take a new route to work
Better yet, don’t look at a map beforehand. Follow your instincts and see where you end up. Hopefully, you’ll make it to work on time.
You should not remain in your comfort zone; if you want to make it big, you must challenge yourself, get out of your comfort zone, and succeed in doing well outside of your comfort areas.
Unplug for an entire day
Turn off your phone, the internet, and the television. This will be more uncomfortable than you think.
Even if you don’t completely unplug, try cutting yourself off from your main device. While my situation wasn’t one I created on purpose (a part in my computer burned out), the life-changing decision to start blogging came because I was cut off from my usual routine.
At the time I didn’t think it would become a business for me, but going through the process helped me realize I had other talents and knowledge that people wanted to know—something that I could market and sell. Finally, I could see a way to build a business so I could get out of my other business that was starting to take much more time and make much less money.
Sit in a different place
Sit on the couch instead of your favorite chair. Choose a different seat at the dining table.
Strike up a conversation with a stranger
It doesn’t have to be a drawn out, twenty-minute affair. If you can maintain a conversation for 30 seconds, consider yourself successful. There are plenty of people in the world available for practice.
Write about a personal topic
Do you struggle with writing email newsletters to your email list? Do you find it difficult to come up with ideas for your business’s social media?
Try taking a personal topic and explaining how it relates to your products or services. Someone out there in your audience can probably relate and this email or post will get their attention.
Apply for a new job that’s a step up from your current position
You might feel like a bit of an imposter, but that’s okay. Worst case? You might get the position and a new career. Your bank account might even benefit.
Call someone you haven’t spoken to for at least six months
Just pick up the phone and do it. You’ll feel great about it afterwards.
Travel out of the country
If you’ve never travelled outside your home country, you might be in for quite a shock. The food, people, and culture can all be different. Apply for a passport and consider where you’d like to visit.
Give yourself a thrill
Tackle something that makes you a little fearful. Go skydiving or ride a roller coaster. Give a speech. Take a dance class.
Sit by yourself in silence
This can be tougher than you think. Turn off all your devices and just sit alone with yourself. Avoid allowing yourself to daydream. Just stay with yourself for at least 30 minutes.
“Step outside your comfort zone because that’s the only way you’re going to grow. “
— Madeline Brewer
Expanding your comfort zone opens up numerous possibilities. Think about how your life would change if your comfort zone were larger. It’s possible to accomplish this without the pain you might imagine.
Stretch your comfort zone a little bit each day. You may be surprised how big of an impact a small change can make!