
  • Staying Motivated as an Entrepreneur

    Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you. You have to win it.
    ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

    It’s so easy to tell yourself that you’re going to accomplish something new, but what happens when it takes longer than you originally thought? Like most of us, you’ll probably find that your motivation starts to disappear.

    Eventually, you might even give up on the idea altogether.

    This is what makes keeping your motivation up as an entrepreneur so important, especially when you’re first starting out.

    I want to share with you why motivation is important, what causes you to feel unmotivated and give you some tips on how to keep yourself motivated. Yes, I’ll be talking about entrepreneurs a lot, but this info can work for anyone in any situation, not just for business owners.

    Why Motivation is Important for Entrepreneurs

    Unlike typical 9-5 jobs, entrepreneurs often find themselves performing roles that are usually carried out by multiple people—such as accounting, marketing, and handling customer service. Plus you still have to perform your services or create new products.

    All of these are things that would normally be carried out by different people or at scale, whole departments. Once you realize just how many jobs you’re doing, things can get overwhelming really quickly. This leads to many would-be entrepreneurs losing the motivation to continue.

    Entrepreneurship and proper motivation typically hand in hand. You’ll find it really difficult to focus on all the things you have to do if you don’t have the right level of motivation.

    Below are some reasons why you should focus on improving your motivation to increase your chances of success.

    Motivation encourages positivity

    When you’re motivated, you’ll find your mindset is positive. You’re geared up to work on your goals and improve your life. The more motivated you become, the more susceptible you are to changes you need to make.

    Motivation focuses on the present and the future. It doesn’t dwell in the past or allow room for any negativity. Without it, you could find yourself stuck in a negative spiral which is really hard to get out of.

    Motivation keeps you focused

    Staying focused on your goals isn’t always easy. However, motivation helps enormously. It causes you to focus solely on the goal you’re working towards. Provided you’ve set realistic goals, you’ll stay consistently motivated and therefore more likely to achieve success.

    It’s up to you to figure out what it is that keeps you motivated, but it can help to have something external to focus on. A picture or a dream map/vision board of what you want to achieve can prove especially effective.

    Motivation encourages more effort

    You’ll notice that when you’re motivated, you put a lot more effort into achieving your goals. The most effective motivation comes from working towards something you’re passionate about.

    The more passionate you are about your business, the more motivated you’ll become and the more effort you’ll put into achieving your business goals.

    Motivation helps you think outside the box

    With the right motivation, you’ll be able to come up with new, creative ways to achieve your business goals when you need to. Without it, it’s easy to give up when you reach obstacles along the way.

    Though there will always be some tried and tested methods of conducting business, being able to embrace new ideas and ways of thinking is sometimes necessary. Motivation can help you to keep moving forward rather than doing the same things over and over again.

    Why It’s Hard to Stay Motivated

    For many of us, we experience a huge burst of motivation at the start of project, but it slowly or suddenly fades away, sometimes within just a few days.

    It’s easy to lose motivation after the initial excitement wears off. But if you want to be successful, it’s important to keep going. The work isn’t going to get done itself.

    Read the seven reasons for demotivation below and think about which ones apply most to you. Are there any other reasons you can think of? You may want to write them down and think about how you can avoid your reasons or improve how you handle them.

    (Or you can tell us about them in the comments, as well!)

    The planning phase is more fun than the execution phase

    Sitting alone at night and making plans for the future can be an exciting time. Everything seems possible, because you’re only limited by your imagination at that point.

    However, when the sun comes up in the morning, it’s time to actually get busy. It all seems a little more daunting and less enjoyable when it’s time for the rubber to hit the road.

    Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal.

    ― E. Joseph Cossman

    You lose track of the end result

    Remind yourself of the prize at the end of your journey. Visualize how it’s all going to be when you’ve reached your goal. You should feel an immediate boost of motivation.

    Having actual visuals of your goal may help too. Try creating a vision board filled with inspiring photos, affirmations, and quotes; or make your phone or computer desktop backgrounds a representation of your life after completing your goals.

    Your goal doesn’t suit you

    Many of us choose goals that are acceptable to the world at large. It might be buying a huge house or a fancy car. Is this really what will make you feel fulfilled?

    Maybe your goal is totally mismatched to your real desires or temperament. Ensure that you’ve chosen goals that match your interests and abilities. Don’t feel pressured to take on extravagant goals if that’s not who you are.

    You’re taking on too much at once

    It’s easy to feel up to completing a single task or two, but when you have lots of different things to work on, you can easily become overwhelmed. You may find yourself switching between several different tasks or worse, you never get started because you don’t know where to start.

    Practice creating lists of tasks to complete your goals. List your tasks in the right order so you always a clear path for what you need to it. You can make your lists be from most to least important, based on deadlines you need to meet, or a step-by-step start-to-finish order.

    You feel uncomfortable and aren’t dealing with it effectively

    It’s normal to feel uncomfortable when you need to do something new. Whether it’s creating a new income stream, beginning a workout routine, or a new diet, it’s going to be uncomfortable.

    It’s important to deal with this discomfort effectively. Expect to feel uncomfortable and have a plan for working through it.

    You have too many negative thoughts

    Negative thoughts are paralyzing. They’ll make you rationalize all the reasons you feel that you should quit.

    Though it doesn’t always feel like you have control over your thoughts, you do. You can choose what you want to think about.

    Take control of your thoughts. Catch yourself early in the process of thinking negative thoughts and redirect your focus to something more positive.

    Though it takes time to master this ability, the key is to notice quickly that your thoughts are going off the rails.

    You’re stuck in your old habits and routines

    The older you are, the more challenging it can be to break out of your old patterns. We find comfort in our old routines, and our brains become hardwired to repeat them. You’ll need to create new habits and routines if you want to change your behavior and your results.

    Identify one habit that is getting in your way and one habit you need to create to attain your goals. Put your time and energy into dealing with these two items. When you’re successful, tackle two more.

    Good habits are the key to all success. Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure.

    ― Og Mandino

    Expect that your motivation will falter and be prepared to deal with it. Focus on creating habits that will take you to your goals, because habits reduce the need for motivation and willpower.

    Now that we’ve talked about the reasons why you might lose motivation and what to do about them, let’s talk about how to keep yourself motivated!

    How to Keep Yourself Motivated

    Gaining motivation is often a lot easier than actually maintaining it. You’re eventually going to have to deal with plateaus, setbacks, or relapses, which are completely normal when it comes to life-changing goals.

    The important thing is to keep pushing through even when things get tough. Try following the tips below to keep up your motivation consistently.

    Take action daily

    This is the single best step you can take in order to further your momentum. Taking action ensures that you’re making progress, no matter how small. Even if you don’t know exactly what action you’ll be taking, just do something, anything, to further yourself.

    For example, If you want to lose weight, it’s important to burn more calories than you take in each day. If you want to grow your business, review business growth materials.

    Find motivational nuggets

    Take a few minutes each day to read something inspiring, whether it’s motivational quotes or affirmations to keep your confidence going. Motivational quotes or affirmations that inspire you can help transcend your mindset away from the daily grind and onto things that are bigger than yourself.

    We have a lot of these within our articles here on Stay Goal’d! Check out our Pinterest account, too.

    Check your progress

    Write down your goals and check in on your progress each day. If you’re feeling stuck or like you’re not moving forward, review the goal that you’re trying to accomplish.

    Think positively about how close you are to the goalpost rather than how far you are from it.

    Talk to another

    Find another person who has already achieved goals similar to the ones you’re working on.

    If you’re goal is to get physically fit, for example, find a bodybuilder, runner, athlete or other like-minded individual whose been in your shoes.

    Extract all the wisdom, advice and helpful tidbits that you can from their story.

    Plan ahead

    Scheduling time to work on things related to your goals is critical. We use schedules for everything else in our lives, so there’s no reason that time devoted to working on personal goals cannot be included as well.

    Invest in a personal planner, use printable planner pages, or use an app on your computer or phone. Maybe try a combination, with one handling your daily plans and another your monthly or long-term goals.

    If you don’t know exactly where you’re going, how will you know when you get there?

    ― Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free

    Reward yourself

    Small rewards have been shown to motivate everyone from kids to older adults. Rewards act as a positive reinforcement, and even affirmation of a job well done.

    When we’re being rewarded, we tend to continue pressing on towards our goals.

    Limit all distractions

    You already know that procrastination is detrimental to motivation. So, if you’re looking to maintain your motivation, you’re going to need to limit all distractions.

    This includes limiting your time on social media, browsing websites or even using your phone. Whatever tends to distract you, set limits on when you can use them. You’ll be surprised how much of a difference this can make.

    Make sure you’re eating right

    Did you know that your diet can affect your motivation? If you regularly skip meals, or simply eat fast, unhealthy foods, you’re going to struggle to stay motivated.

    This is because a poor diet zaps your energy. The less energy you have, the harder it is to stay focused and motivated. So, make sure you’re eating a healthy, balanced diet rich in Vitamin B6 and iron.

    Make sure you’re not skipping meals or you have healthy snacks on hand. If you’re hungry and all you can think about is your next meal, it’s really hard to focus on whatever work you’re doing.

    Surround yourself with positive people

    Who we choose to surround ourselves with makes a huge difference to how motivated we remain. For example, if you find you’re mainly communicating with negative people, your motivation is going to dwindle away.

    Negative people literally zap the energy right out of you. So, just like a poor diet, they’re going to leave you feeling drained and unmotivated. Positive people on the other hand, will leave you even more motivated to fulfill your goals.

    Find a role model

    Following on from the last point, finding a role model can do wonders for your motivation. It could be somebody you know, or it could be someone famous or maybe even a character from your favorite TV show.

    If you have a role model, it gives you someone to look up to and aspire to be. This in turn really boosts motivation and keeps you focused on your goals.

    Focus on short-term goals

    Finally, when setting goals, it’s so important to make sure you have a plan that includes easily achievable short-term goals. While you’ll still want to have a long-term goal to strive towards, you need to split it into smaller goals so you have a plan with quicker steps to achieve.

    For example, if you want to lose weight, that would be your long-term goal. However, to stay motivated you’re going to need to see progress. Your short-term goals could include the changes you want to make to your diet and starting an exercise plan.

    As you consistently meet your smaller goals, it’s going to really boost your motivation.

    Start each day with a positive thought and a grateful heart.

    ― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

    It’s definitely not easy to maintain motivation, but the tips above will help. Like anything in life, the key is to work at it and do whatever it takes to keep your motivation levels high.

    A few other things you can try are

    • writing in a journal,
    • listening to inspiring talks,
    • join a support group related to your goals,
    • spending a few minutes in quiet meditation on our goals,
    • or posting daily reminders.

    These are just a few of the things that we can do on a regular basis to keep motivation and ensure that we’re continually making progress.

    The key word here is “progress.” If you taking some action or doing even just one thing on a daily basis that furthers us along in our goals, you’ll feel better about yourself and be able to keep that momentum.

  • The Dark Side of Being an Entrepreneur: 6 major struggles of online business owners

    “No more romanticizing about how cool it is to be an entrepreneur. It’s a struggle to save your company’s life – and your own skin – every day of the week.”

    — Spencer Fry

    Sure, being an entrepreneur is tons of fun. You get to make your own hours, be your own boss and have the opportunity to make more money than a lot of traditional jobs. All while chillin’ at home in your PJs.

    However, there’s a lot to it that you don’t see. On the surface, it looks like everyone is so well put together and having the time of their lives while doing something they love. But in reality, it’s a lot of hard work and stress.

    There are many times when you’re putting in more hours than a 9-5 and wondering when your hard work will finally start really paying off. And don’t even get me started on the lack of company healthcare benefits!

    On top of that, you may have trouble staying motivated and organized, or have to deal with feelings of inadequacy or jealousy. If you can’t handle criticism, it’ll be difficult to take in the necessary feedback from customers or potential customers to make you and your brand better serve them.

    I’ve been a part of various communities with tons of online entrepreneurs and small business owners for the last 13 years, including being one myself. I’ve made a list of areas where I’ve noticed myself and others struggling with running our business, both with day-to-day tasks and the stuff that goes on in our heads.

    I’ve further broken this list down into 6 major categories just so it’s easier to talk about them. These are the core topics that I really want to explore on Stay Goal’d.

    Let’s take a look!

    6 struggles faced by online entrepreneurs

    Maybe you’ve been doing this for a while, maybe you’re 3 months in and it’s really starting to get tough, or maybe you’re doing a little research before starting your own business. Either way, you’re bound to feel almost everything mentioned in this post at some point in your journey:

    • Keeping your motivation
    • Managing your time
    • Having a business money mindset
    • Keeping social without envy
    • Fear of taking risks
    • Caring for yourself outside your business

    I hope to provide some insight into how to deal with each of these topics on this blog. I’m sure I’ll eventually come up with more things that fit into each one, but these are where I’d like to start.

    “Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen.”

    — Wayne Huizenga


    First up is motivation. This one can get you before you’ve even started your business.

    At first, you may be excited to start planning a new idea. But after a while—or once it’s time to actually put your plans into action—the excitement dies off.

    Or maybe you do really want to work on your plans, but you have trouble finding the time. Then when you do have the time, you just can’t make yourself do what you need to do.

    Maybe it’s because of other outside stressors or you just have issues with procrastination, which are both things you can work on improving.

    With the right motivation, you can find the time you need to work on your business, even it’s just an hour or two a day.

    Here are a few motivation-related topics I plan to explore.

    Staying focused

    The world is full of distractions and with phones and apps like Netflix, it can be difficult to stay focused when working from home. Not to mention any distractions from family, roommates, or friends.

    My best tip for improving your focus is by using the Pomodoro Method. Whenever I find myself struggling, I turn to the traditional technique or a slightly modified version as a way to reward myself for focusing on work.


    Sticking with your work when it’s boring or seems like nothing you’re doing is really getting you anywhere is hard. Period. We’ve all had a time when we just wanted to quit (or actually did quit) because we weren’t seeing results fast enough.

    You need to find ways to improve your motivation when things get tough so you can push through plateaus and reach success.


    It’s easy to get caught up when trying to make every aspect of your business perfect, but that’s actually an unrealistic goal for most industries. When you find that it’s much harder or more time consuming to make sure everything is 100% perfect, you’re going to lose motivation real quick.

    As long as you’re not doing anything that will negatively impact a client or customer, “done” is much better than perfect! Don’t worry so much about getting things 100% right on the first try. You can always change and update things after you’re created them.

    You should also work on being able to manage unrealistic goals and expectations to keep yourself on track.

    “Setting the right priorities or having superior time management skill means knowing the difference between “must have,” and “nice to have.”

    ― Pearl Zhu, Thinkingaire: 100 Game Changing Digital Mindsets to Compete for the Future

    Time management

    Time is the most precious resource we have. Once time has passed, we can never get it back.

    That means we need to use the time we have wisely, something that’s often a difficult challenge when working from home. We have all our comforts around us and it’s easy to fall for the temptation to pay more attention to those distractions than to our work.

    Even if you have no problem focusing on your work, you might find there are some ways you can be more efficient or improve on setting your priorities on tasks. You may be working hard, but not on the things that actually move you forwards and towards accomplishing your goals.

    If you’ve ever felt like you’re stuck in the mud or like you’re going around in circles, looking at how you use your time may help you get out of this rut.

    Goal setting

    Setting goals for yourself is a good thing, but the problem happens when you set goals that are a bit too ambitious. Ambition is, again, a good thing, but if you decide you want to make $1,000 in a week before you’ve built an audience, it’s likely you won’t meet that goal.

    What you need to learn is how to set small, attainable goals to create a system that can make that $1,000. Having this system in place means you’ll eventually be able to keep earning week after week since you’ll have already built up the foundation.

    Planning ahead

    You may know where you want yourself or business to be in 6 months, a year, or 5 years from now, but aren’t sure exactly how to get there. I’m not gonna lie, it’s likely you’ll need to do some research on your specific type of business to find out what you need to do. But once you know what, you’re gonna need to plan out how you’re going to do all those things.

    Planning is closely related to goal setting as it’s essentially the steps you need to take to achieve those goals. This is what you’ll do to build your system that takes your business further than just an idea and a set of goals.


    Once you have goals and a plan, you need to actually do the work. This is where things get slippery with a lot of entrepreneurs.

    Motivation is often high at the start of projects but then dies off if your goals take too long to complete. Another reason why you need easily achievable goals!

    Practicing good productivity habits is one way to make sure you’re consistently working on your plan and checking off each goal on your list. You’ll also improve your ability to focus on tasks, which helps you get more done in less time.

    “Mastering the mindset of wealth is choosing to think about money, and your reality in relation to money, in a way that will make you rich, not keep you poor.”

    ― Jen Sincero, You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth

    Money mindset

    I’ve noticed that people often approach money and finances as a work-at-home entrepreneur in a manner that’s far too personal. Either they’re not willing or able to invest in their business or they invest in things that don’t make sense for where they are with their business.

    You don’t want to be spending too much money but you shouldn’t be spending nothing at all either. Understanding what you need and when you need it can help you make the right financial decisions so you’re not wasting money and that you’re using the money you do put in to make even more money.

    To help you understand the importance of smart money decisions, I’ll be going over the following areas:

    Business vs Personal

    Your business should have its own finances separate from your own personal earnings. You may have heard other entrepreneurs mention that they pay themselves like they would an employee. It’s the same as you would do if you had a physical business.

    This way, you can budget your business expenses and invest the money you make from it back into the business to make more money. This could be by purchasing new tools that make business tasks easier or for hiring employees so you can delegate tasks. This also gives you the fun of being able to give yourself a raise from time to time!

    Money blocks

    Money blocks can come in all sorts of forms or many different reasons. The most common ones I see from online entrepreneurs are an unwillingness to invest (or reinvest) in your business, not realizing the value of your work, and being afraid to ask for the sale.

    In order for a business to grow, you need it to be profitable. For this to happen, you have to make sales and you need to putk some of the money you make from those sales back into it.

    This is why it helps to have a set budget for various parts of your business, such as automation tools, ad spend, and outsourcing or hired employees. These parts help your business to grow and make more money. When your business is able to make more money, you’ll be able to pay yourself more.

    You also need to accept that businesses have upfront costs before they become profitable. Fortunately, starting a business online has some of the lowest startup and maintenance costs of any business.

    Responsible financial decisions

    Even if you are ready to invest in your business, you need to do so responsibly. You shouldn’t spend your last dollar on something that ‘might’ help you out. You should calculate risks and act accordingly.

    This also means investing in the right tools or employees at the right time. You shouldn’t hire a full team to manage your customer service if you’re only making a few sales a week.

    • Don’t purchase ads just for traffic; purchase them with the intent of converting them to customers.
    • Don’t buy a tool your business won’t be able to fully utilize until it’s at a larger scale.

    Instead, focus on investments that will get you even just one step ahead of where you are now. This way, you’ll always be moving forward at a pace you can actually afford.

    “However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.”

    — Stephen Hawking


    Who knew that there could be a bad side to trying to be more social (besides introverts everywhere—myself included)?

    It’s one thing to have friends or family who are unsupportive because they don’t understand what you’re doing, but it’s another to be around so many likeminded individuals who are doing the same things you are.

    This causes you to fall into some pretty dangerous thought patterns that could jeopardize your own success. You may find yourself constantly comparing yourself to others, becoming jealous or envious of colleague’s success, or be fearful of criticism or not take it constructively.

    I have seen all of these things in the various groups or entrepreneurs I’ve been a part of over the years. And yes, I’ve definitely experienced them myself. All of them!

    So don’t feel bad if you find yourself exhibiting any of these behaviors. instead recognize them and change your thinking.

    Lack of support

    Your friends and family may be amazing, supportive people, but even the most supportive people aren’t going to 100% understand everything you’re going through as an entrepreneur. This can make you feel lonely or like there’s no one to help when you have problems or questions.

    Joining a community of entrepreneur peers will help out a lot with this problem, but may cause issues with the next two things on this list.


    Seeing a bunch of people around you who are making more money than you or have a larger audience than you can make you feel like a failure. You need to avoid making comparisons to others around you because you don’t really know the full story of their success.

    Someone who has been working for 3 years has gone through a lot more than someone who has been going for 3 months. There are also a lot of different factors that can contribute to quick or slow success. Don’t let it bother you if someone else is doing better than you.

    Dealing with criticism

    This is something I see people struggling with a lot, myself included. No one likes to hear criticism about something they worked hard on, but it’s necessary when you’re trying to appeal to an audience bigger than just yourself.

    You need to know what people think about certain things so you’re not inadvertently turning off potential customers. Remember that anything people have to say isn’t a personal attack on you, it’s just a suggestion for how you can appeal better to them.

    If someone is throwing personal attacks at you, then that’s their problem and is more of a reflection of who they are than a reflection of your business.

    “If you can push through that feeling of being scared, that feeling of taking a risk, really amazing things can happen.”

    — Marissa Mayer


    Becoming an entrepreneur is life-changing and anything that requires or inspires a huge change in our lives incites a bit (or a lot!) of fear. For the positive changes we want to see, we often have to learn how to push through some uncomfortable feelings first.

    • Are you afraid to email your list because people might unsubscribe?
    • Do you hate asking people to buy because you don’t want to “seem salesy?”
    • Are you just waiting for someone to call you out on your lack of experience?

    Fear takes many forms in entrepreneurship, but the three below are what I’ve found to be the most common.

    Fear of getting started

    Getting started is the hardest part for some of us, especially when you’re not used to being the boss. Sometimes this is due to having too much or not enough information.

    You either feel overwhelmed by all the moving parts or you have no idea where to even begin. Other times it might be taking the next step in your business, like the email list example above or deciding it’s time to look into scaling through purchasing ads.

    Fear of success

    This one might seem a little weird but it creeps up on you in strange ways. You may want to land new clients or sell your products but have trouble actually going through the motions to do so.

    Facing these fears often requires you to just jump headfirst into the thing you’re so afraid of doing. Create that email sequence, mention your services, or ask for that sale.

    Imposter syndrome

    If you’re ever felt out of place next to peers, you’ve felt imposter syndrome. You may be just as good as everyone else around you, but you personally feel like you don’t belong there. This is especially true when you’re first starting out and you’re unsure of just how successful you can be.

    Instead of thinking of things you feel you can’t do as well as others, focus on the things you excel at. You may have a unique skill or talent that most other entrepreneurs in your space don’t have. Realize that because of this, you have some additional value besides the main focus of your business.

    “You will be your best self when you take time to understand what you really need, feel and want.”

    ― Deborah Day, BE HAPPY NOW!


    Last but not least is self-care. Taking care of yourself may inadvertently take a backseat to all the other things you want to work on in your business. However, you can’t stay focused and energized if you don’t take some time to care for your own needs and keep your physical and mental health in check.

    Simple ways to practice self-care as an entrepreneur include making sure you take breaks, get enough sleep, and eat enough meals in the day; preferably healthy meals but I can’t tell you how many pizza-fueled work sprints I’ve pulled to meet a deadline.

    Here on Stay Goal’d, I’ll be talking a lot about self-care along with other personal development topics in general, but I’ll be focusing on the following three specifically for entrepreneurs:

    Work-life balance

    Sometimes it’s tempting to keep working, working, and working because “hard work” is what improves your business, right? In other cases, your productivity habits may be so scattered that you end up pulling all-nighters or trying to fit a huge project into a few days of work time.

    Trying to keep up this mentality will eventually lead to burn out. Instead, it’s better to plan ahead and balance your work and other things in your life, like family, friends, or hobbies.

    Addressing your needs

    It’s easy to get caught up in what everyone else needs; your family, your customers, or your clients. But you are also a vital part of your business. It’s your creativity, your vision, and your planning that has gotten your business to the point it is now. You need to take care of yourself too!

    This may mean making sure your business can run without you when you need to take time off or it may mean that you make sure you work on your mental or physical health. Whatever it is, remember that it’s completely OK to think about your own needs first so you can continue to feel up to helping others.

    Getting enough sleep

    Feeling drowsy throughout the day is terrible for your productivity. For those of us working at home, it’s really easy to say “I’ll just take a nap” instead of push through and get things done.

    It’s better to get enough sleep at night rather than try to work after only getting 4 or 5 hours of sleep. Getting enough sleep will keep you awake and alert enough to power through your daily tasks rather than slog through them because you can’t stop thinking about how nice your pillow would feel.

    Make sure you give yourself enough days to complete projects so you’re not staying up late to finish things.

    “The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new.”

    — Socrates

    Phew! That was a lot, I know. But that goes to show you just how much entrepreneurs are really going through. And that’s with me limiting myself to 3 major subtopics per topic.

    Hopefully, after reading through this, you’re in the mindset to make a change—or at least you’re beginning to get into that mindset.

    If you’re interested in learning more about any of these topics, make sure you’re on the Stay Goal’d email list. You’ll get notifications for new posts as well as weekly tips to help you through your struggles.

    Be sure to check out the other posts on this blog for more advice as well.