Personal Growth

  • Follow Your Passion and Make “Do What You Love” Profitable

    If you feel like there’s something out there that you’re supposed to be doing, if you have a passion for it, then stop wishing and just do it.
    — Wanda Sykes

    “Do what you love” is one of those quotes that’s 1000x easier said than done. There’s a reason why most people aren’t doing what they love, maybe yourself included.

    It’s not a guaranteed path to success and a girl’s gotta eat, right?

    Being able to make money off something you love—something you’re truly passionate about—is a dream for a lot of people.

    As our workforce shifts more and more towards freelancing and working from home, it’s clear more people are looking to use their passion to gain the freedom and flexibility of entrepreneurship.

    However, running your own business comes with all the responsibilities of, well, running a business.

    The truth is, doing what you love actually involves a lot of doing what you don’t love: marketing, accounting, paperwork, shipping, data entry into a site that’s not so user-friendly.

    Yeah, that last one is a bit personal for me.

    But I still do it because it enables me to enjoy want I’m working on, and I only have to answer to my customers, not some looming boss.

    5 tips to truly do what you love in your online business

    To make your business more profitable and a lot more fun at the same time, you should tap into your passion. Focus most of your attention on work centered around what you love to do.

    Again, this is easier said than done, so here are some tips to help you find and use your passion or what you love as your online business.

    Realize what your passion really is

    Ever notice how sometimes the work you do just seems to flow and you don’t mind working long hours on a project? These are the things you love to do most. Your passion. What you love.

    Often these are also the things that end up making you the most money. The reason for that is simple: the passion you have for the work you do shines through in the end result.

    You might have a pretty good idea of what you think your passion is, but you may actually have a hidden passion that you’re unaware of.

    Passion is one great force that unleashes creativity, because if you’re passionate about something, then you’re more willing to take risks.

    —Yo-Yo Ma

    For example, while Stay Goal’d is one of my oldest brand ideas, I never thought I’d have made it into a full blog with tips for entrepreneurs, even though I’ve always known I wanted to help inspire other people who wanted to build a better life.

    I started out with just posting motivational quotes on Instagram, but as I began to surround myself more with other entrepreneurs, I realized I wanted to help them feel more motivated and share my productivity tips with them. And Stay Goal’d became a blog.

    So you first need to do a little soul-searching and figure out what you love to do or who you love to help. This passion will make the time you’ll be spending working on your business feel much more enjoyable.

    Find a market and niche that you enjoy serving

    Once you have an idea of what your passion is, it’s time to figure out how you can make it profitable. Figuring out what your passion is and how to make it profitable (or which can actually become profitable) are often the hardest parts of doing what you love.

    Start by finding a market that you enjoy working in. Within this market, you need to find a niche that’s going to be profitable. That means it has products or services that a good amount of people are willing to buy.

    I understand that might seem a bit confusing, so let’s take a look at yoga as an example.

    Trying to build a business simply around yoga will be pretty tough. With over 1,830,000 searches worldwide each month, it’s clearly a hot topic, but broad topics online are really hard to build momentum with.

    It’s going to take a lot more time and effort to make money if you try to focus on everything about yoga. So instead, focus on specific things people want to know about yoga, like honing in on a specific type of yoga, how to do yoga at home, or ways to incorporate yoga into a lifestyle you’re familiar with.

    The one thing that you have that nobody else has is you. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision. So write and draw and build and play and dance and live as only you can.

    — Neil Gaiman

    Resources for finding a niche

    Online entrepreneurship often comes in the form of physical or digital product sales, information or entertainment through content creation, or coaching—here are some resources to find profitable niches in each of these.

    The content creation section is worth taking a look into no matter which of these methods you’ll use because they give a good insight into what kinds of information people search for online. The more people who search for something, the more opportunity for making money!

    Actually, all of these categories have some pretty good suggestions for any type of business, so you may want to check all of them out. I’m actually inspired just from collecting these resources.

    Finding an Online Shop Niche

    Finding a Content Creation Niche

    Finding a Coaching Niche

    You’ll be creating a lot of content and talking a lot about whatever niche you chose to be in, so it shouldn’t be something you’ll easily get bored with.

    Your enthusiasm and love for the market will shine through as you write and talk about it. It will help establish you as a knowledgeable and credible source of information. That will make gaining the trust of your potential customers much easier.

    You can use keyword research to judge how popular each niche idea is. Pay attention to what products or services people are selling and keywords based on product searches, too. You can also use this information to discover ideas for products you can create or promote as an affiliate.

    “When you speak to everyone, you speak to no one.”

    — Meredith Hill

    Attract your ideal customers

    It’s helpful to get a clear picture of who your ideal customer is. Be as specific as possible when it comes to gender, age, how well off they are, if they are married and have kids, etc.

    This is often referred to as an “avatar” for your customers or clients.

    Once you know what your ideal customer or client looks like, it will be a lot easier to find places where you can find them. This means you’ll also be able to do research on what sort of products or services your ideal customer is dying to purchase.

    Since you’ll be spending a lot of time interacting with, helping, educating and entertaining your customer base, you want to pay attention to the type of people you attract and make sure they fit this profile.

    If they don’t align with what you want, you can either make adjustments to your content or where you look for customers, or you can make changes to better serve the audience you’re currently attracting and continue your current marketing efforts.

    Using keyword research to attract customers

    One of the most difficult things to figure out when you’re first starting out is knowing what people actually want to learn about the thing you’re passionate about.

    Keyword research is a good way to discover what people want, especially if you don’t have a direct way to survey your audience yet. By targeting exactly what people want, you’ll be able to build traction in your business much easier because you’ll be serving a direct need.

    The basic idea is that you create content and products around topics people search for—the keywords. You then use these keywords to rank higher for organic searches or target them in paid advertising so you’re able to receive traffic to your site from visitors who are already looking for the solutions you’re offering.

    Focus on what you love doing

    Okay, so, maybe this one’s a little bit obvious but it’s still an important part of the equation.

    As I mentioned before, online businesses have a lot of different parts which means you’re going to have a lot of different responsibilities. Some you’ll enjoy working on a lot more than others.

    If product creation is what you love, focus on that. If you prefer talking to writing, start an audio or video podcast instead of committing to writing daily blog posts.

    Try to focus on what you have fun doing the most.

    Yes, there will be times when you have to do stuff that isn’t as fun (taxes, anyone?), but make sure you have some enjoyable work on your plate at all times. It’ll keep you going and makes the day go by much faster.

    For all those things that you really don’t enjoy, you can hire other people to do it for you.

    “Do what you do best, and outsource the rest.”

    — Peter F. Drucker

    Outsource what you don’t love

    Start to outsource anything you absolutely hate doing as quickly as possible. You might be hesitant to pay someone else for a variety of reasons, but without having to do these tasks, you’ll find that your business will thrive.

    Maybe “hate” is a strong word here, but if you start doing something you don’t want to do enough times, you’ll understand what I mean.

    It’s highly likely that people who specialize in certain areas will also complete tasks much more quickly than you could. Remember, when you’re paying someone, you’re paying not just for the result, but for their years of experience and expertise.

    If cost is something you’re worried about, start with something small. As your business grows, keep adding to the list as you can afford to until you’re only left with work you enjoy.

    You can find freelancers on places like UpWork or Fiverr. Do a test project first to make sure whoever you plan to hire is a good fit.

    Don’t feel like no one is out there doing what you need, either. I’ve seen a lot of people asking if there are people who will take on various tasks, and usually the answer is yes. You can hire a virtual assistant to do any sort of task in your online business, even if you need to train them a bit first.

    With all the tedious parts removed, it’s amazing not only how much fun running your online business will be, but also how much faster you’ll move forward with projects. The end result is a more profitable and enjoyable business.

    If you have to support yourself, you had bloody well better find some way that is going to be interesting.

    — Katherine Hepburn

    Now that you a better idea of how to turn your passion into a business that you love, what’s next?

    Well go out there and do some research! Find ways you can turn what you love into a way to help other people. You can start with sharing on a blog and social media and build up from there if you like.

    The important thing to remember is that you want to become a business. This means building an audience and coming up with ideas for products and services. You can also take advantage of affiliate marketing and share offers for products that would fit with your audience.

  • The Power of Positive Self-Talk Through Using Positive Affirmations in Your Daily Life

    “Thoughts are energy. A drop of water, so cool and gentle can wear away a rock with repetitive drops. We are like rocks and our affirmations are like drops of water, wearing away the stubborn blocks within us one drop at a time. Repeating affirmations several times a day may be necessary in the beginning, depending on your need.”
    ― Sabrina Kastur,  A Little Book of Affirmations

    Do you talk to yourself the same way you talk to your best friend?

    People tend to talk to themselves negatively, focusing on all the things they can’t do or don’t know rather than on all the amazing things they’ve accomplished and how much they’ve grown as a person.

    It’s time for you to flip that around and remember that you really are the best friend you can have (sorry actual best friends, out there!) and you need to start talking to yourself like you realize it.

    Positive self-talk is important to both your happiness and your success. The way you talk to yourself impacts your emotions and behaviors.

    One popular tool to help you practice positive self-talk and build and your positive mindset is the affirmation. This is a short statement you can repeat throughout your day. With enough repetition, it will begin to infiltrate your self-conscious and move you to internalize a more realistic and positive belief.

    Let’s discover how to use positive affirmations to develop a positive mindset that’s primed for success.

    What are Affirmations?

    Making affirmations work for you starts with a clear understanding of what they are.

    An affirmation is a concise positive statement written as if you are saying it and addresses a personal characteristic you may have, wish to have, or want more of or something you want to achieve.

    Many affirmations also include content that prompts your mind to ponder the characteristic in self-reflection, but most are usually short, easy-to-remember sentences that you can repeat to yourself each day.

    How Affirmations Work

    The way affirmations work is that the words you drill into your head act as a trigger to your subconscious to act in a way that makes the mantras ring true.

    Just as your negative self-talk is repeated throughout your days and influences your life in a detrimental fashion, proactively implementing helpful self-talk will accomplish just the opposite. Repetition of your affirmations can inspire you to act as you’re saying you do.

    The more you repeat your positive affirmations, the better. However, there are specific times when it will benefit you the most to put these words into action.

    “Negative self-talk and negative affirmation can keep you anchored in old thought patterns and identities.”

    ― Bryant McGill, Simple Reminders: Inspiration for Living Your Best Life

    When to Use Affirmations

    You’ve probably used positive affirmations already without even realizing it. Hyping yourself up before public speaking, asking someone out on a date, or before an exam are all examples of times when we instinctively use affirmations.

    Here are a few other times when you might find using positive affirmations useful.

    To boost confidence

    When you feel worried or fearful before an important event, pull out a mantra to boost your confidence. Repeating it will allow you to get started on a positive note, which will likely continue throughout the event.

    To finish a project

    You can also utilize this positive self-talk to push you along when finishing a certain project seems just too overwhelming. Remind yourself of your strength or of the reward that awaits at the finish line, and you will feel more in control of your assignment rather than being overwhelmed or intimidated by it.

    To give yourself a pep talk

    When you’re experiencing negative feelings about yourself and your situation—such as hopelessness, inadequacy, or unworthiness—repeating a short pep talk can go far in allowing you to see your situation more realistically. You can use affirmations during any time of inner turmoil to turn your attitude around.

    How to Use Positive Affirmations & Mantras

    Using affirmations is really easy. As I mentioned before, you might already be using negative affirmations, so you’re already familiar with the process. You just need to practice replacing the negative with the positive.

    Your affirmations should be short, as long statements are too difficult and making something challenging decreases your chances of following through with its use. Make your mantra short, snappy and to the point.

    They should also be targeted to specific aspects you’d like to change. Developing targeted self-talk requires you to identify the areas you’d like to change.

    For example, if you’re feeling less than competent lately, be sure to remind yourself of your worth by adding something like, “I am smart, competent and worthy. I add value to my world.”

    Notice how this affirmation is made up of two sentences, but they’re both short, easy-to-remember, and work individually as well.

    Make a list of your most desired changes, and then add an affirmation for each. Make your phrases meaningful and realistic in order to increase their effectiveness. Be sure to repeat them regularly.

    Achieve self-improvement with affirmations

    Affirmations are amazing tools for people who want to live life to the fullest but may be struggling with keeping a positive mindset. They confirm the great qualities you already have and help you develop and strengthen the characteristics you want to build.

    Affirmations can also provide an endless array of self-improvement topics for reflection. This combination of self-reflection and repetition enables the affirmation to reach your subconscious mind and changes your beliefs and actions, one thought at a time.

    “Affirmations are more powerful than requests, for they remind you that you already have what you seek.”

    ― Alan Cohen

    Discover new and exciting qualities about yourself

    Because life is often a rocky pathway, engaging in ongoing self-discovery can help you better navigate the bumpy parts of your journey by figuring out things about your personal qualities and ways of relating.

    When you use these strategies, you’ll not only discover new knowledge while reading affirmations, but you’ll also learn how to apply the new information in your own life in ways that strengthen and benefit yourself.

    How to Use Prewritten Affirmations in 5 Easy Steps

    You can write your own affirmations or use affirmations that you find in books, on other blogs, or even in journals. Writing your own affirmations is simple, but its own beast, so right now I’ll cover reading and using prewritten affirmations.

    These are good when you’re first starting out so you have examples of what an affirmation really is and you may even connect with one that you even didn’t realize you needed.

    Since positive affirmations work best if they’re tailored to your specific situation, here are some tips to get the most out of reading prewritten affirmations.

    1. Make an effort to clear your mind before reading an affirmation. Ensure you have enough time, like 15 minutes or so, to read, process, and reflect on the affirmation. Then, read through the affirmation.

    2. Are you familiar with all the words used in the affirmation? If not, look up any questionable words. Think about how these words relate to the topic.

    3. Re-state the affirmation in your own words. This step increases your understanding and retention of the content as your mind mulls over the concepts.

    You could say something like, “I think this affirmation is describing the best ways to talk about your feelings with another person. It focuses on being honest and not being afraid to share how you really feel.”

    4. Apply the affirmation to your own situations. Ask yourself this: do you really behave, think, or feel as the affirmation suggests?

    • If yes, then the affirmation confirms this quality in your mind and helps boost your self-confidence.
    • If no, what can you learn from the affirmation? How can you change your actions to make every word ring true?

    Reflect on the positive methods in the affirmation to help develop those methods in your own life. Strive to apply the information in similar situations in the future.

    5. Recognize that an important function of an affirmation is to encourage you to look within yourself. Effective affirmations usually state you’re skilled at something or can emotionally deal with situations in healthy ways.

    “Affirmations take our thoughts to a more protective and powerful place. By affirming good, by affirming daily gratitude, you, yourself will find more peace from giving your thoughts a break from the worry cycle.”

    ― Machel Shull

    8 Examples of Positive Affirmations

    Your experiences are shaped by your thinking. Even obstacles have a value when you can see it. You can develop convictions that will help you to feel happier and achieve more, regardless of the situation.

    Below are some examples of simple but powerful affirmations you can use in your daily life along with an example of how you can apply each one to your own personal experiences. Consider these empowering beliefs that you can start using today to transform your life through the power of positive thinking.

    Also, don’t feel like you have to stick to these examples and meanings. If an affirmation has a different meaning to you, stick with that meaning! That’s what makes a truly powerful affirmation that will have an impact on your life.

    I understand my potential

    You can achieve amazing results when you put your mind to it. Feel excited about reaching your true potential.

    I count my blessings

    List each thing that you have to be grateful for. Remember to include the smaller items, like warm socks or tart cranberries. Expressing your appreciation reminds you of how rich you are.

    I learn from mistakes

    You can make setbacks work for you by focusing on the lessons that they contain. Flubbing one job interview can teach you how to ace the next one.

    I find meaning in adversity

    Tough times can be the most rewarding phase of your life. Know that you can emerge from any challenge with greater wisdom and courage. Look back at the obstacles you’ve already overcome, and reassure yourself that you can handle what’s ahead.

    I embrace change

    Accept that life is a series of changes. Focus on the present moment, and prepare yourself to adapt to whatever circumstances come your way.

    I dream big

    Expand your wish list. Setting demanding but attainable goals give you adventures to look forward to each day.

    I practice forgiveness

    Lighten your load by clearing away any resentment you’re holding onto from the past. Set reasonable boundaries while you respond with compassion when others disappoint you. Pardon yourself too.

    I give generously

    Sharing your blessings makes you more powerful and joyful. Volunteer in your community and speak kindly to each person you meet today. Buy coffee for your co-workers or give your receptionist a flower.

    8 Useful Positive Affirmations for Entrepreneurs

    The following affirmation examples can be used by anyone, but since this is a blog geared towards online entrepreneurs, these can help you build the mental skills needed to persevere as you build your business.

    An upbeat attitude increases your happiness and productivity. Question your old assumptions so you can replace them with a new sense of certainty about yourself and your future.

    I take responsibility

    You are in charge of your life. Hold yourself accountable for the outcomes you create. Celebrate the fact that you have the power to determine your own future.

    I apply effort

    Figure out your definition of success so you know what is worth working for. Give yourself credit when you’re making progress rather than comparing yourself to others.

    I leverage my strengths

    You have your own individual strengths that you can draw on. Figure out what you’re good at and what you want to do. Let that knowledge guide your choices.

    I connect with others

    Moral support counts, too! Surround yourself with loving and encouraging family and friends. Join a community locally or online that caters to entrepreneurs with similar goals or businesses and be sure to actively participate.

    I listen to feedback

    Ask for feedback so you can enhance your performance and show others that you respect their point of view. You grow faster when you gather solid input that you can translate into action.

    I ask for help

    Expand your capabilities by building a sturdy support network. Find a business mentor. Ask questions in your entrepreneur community. Save time by dividing up household chores with your spouse and children.

    I recognize opportunities

    Stay alert for promising openings. You may meet a new friend while you’re standing in line to buy your morning coffee. You may find a business opportunity within an email newsletter.

    I try new things

    Be open to experimentation. Try a new marketing technique or do something you’ve been afraid to do in your business. You may discover something that works really well for you that might not have for others.

    “Positive thinking is powerful thinking. If you want happiness, fulfillment, success and inner peace, start thinking you have the power to achieve those things. Focus on the bright side of life and expect positive results.”

    ― Germany Kent

    Practice using affirmations daily

    Adopt affirmations as empowering beliefs that build up your confidence and prepare you for greater success. Remember that your statements should be customized to your needs and lifestyle.

    Using affirmations to develop a positive mindset is a worthwhile strategy, not just for entrepreneurs, but for anyone who wants to make a mindset shift. With practice, you’ll begin to make a habit of using them.

    Soon, it will be easier to remember to pull them out when needed and to develop a routine that works for you.

  • 9 Ways to Stay Positive Around Negative People

    You probably know more than your fair share of negative people! Some of them may even be your friends or family, which is difficult because you still love them and want to be around them.

    Since they’re everywhere, it’s important to know how to coexist with negative people. They can have an impact on your attitude and your day, but that doesn’t have to be the case.

    This post is going to outline a few ways you can focus on the good things and become positive influence, even if it seems like everyone around you has a negative outlook on life.

    Ways to Stay Positive Around Negative People

    “You can only overcome a negative attitude with a positive attitude.”
    ― Lailah Gifty Akita, Think Great: Be Great!

    Practice these strategies to avoid allowing negative people to negatively impact your life.

    Try to influence others

    Understand that you can only control yourself, but you can influence others.

    You can’t snap your fingers and make the people around you take a more positive view of the world. But you can control yourself and how you choose to react to their negativity.

    You might even be able to sway people over to your way of thinking a little bit. Set a good example and be a positive influence on those around you.

    Be grateful

    One way to maintain a positive attitude is to remind yourself of the positive. When you’re feeling run down by the negativity around you, make a quick mental list of the things in your life that you’re thankful for. It will give your mood a quick boost.

    Remember that it’s not about you

    Everyone has their challenges and issues. There’s no reason to be upset that someone has a negative attitude.

    It likely doesn’t have anything to do with you at all. It could be circumstances in their life or their basic nature. Just keep on doing what you’re doing.

    You have the choice to be positive or negative

    You can choose to be affected or not by the people around you. Focus on yourself and keep your chin up. Take care of your business and let others view the world however they choose.

    Speak up

    Sometimes it can be helpful to tell people to just cut it out. Many people will push until someone calls them on their behavior.

    Have a frank talk with someone that’s perpetually negative. Maybe they’re not aware of the impact they’re having on others.

    Spend time with positive people

    Recharge your batteries with the positive energy of other positive people. Get away from those negative people and spend time with people full of positive attitude.

    It doesn’t take long to recenter yourself when you surround yourself with the right people. It’s amazing what a big change you’ll notice when you’re surrounded by others with the same goals and aspirations as yourself rather than negative people who will try to bring you down.

    “You cannot expect to live a positive life if you hang with negative people.” 
    ― Joel Osteen

    Make the most of your time alone

    Make the most of the time you have to yourself. Do things you really enjoy doing, read positive affirmations, or watch feel-good movies.

    Put your attention on positivity. It can be like armor against negative people.

    Headphone can be your friend

    If the situation permits, put on some headphones or earbuds. What you can’t hear can’t bother you.

    Consider listening to a positive podcast or music that makes you feel good. If your work situation allows this, it would be silly not to take advantage of it.

    Stay away

    There are plenty of people in your life that are optional. Stay away from negative people that you don’t have to associate with. You have some control over who is part of your life and who is not.

    Negative people will drag you down if you let them. Take steps to minimize the impact they have on your life. Practice gratitude each day, and you can maintain a positive perspective. Block negative people out with headphones and stay away from as many negative people as possible.

    Negative people will always be around, but you can choose to deal with them and still be a positive person.

    “A negative attitude drains, a positive attitude energizes.” 
    ― Lindsey Rietzsch, The Happy Lady

  • The Dark Side of Being an Entrepreneur: 6 major struggles of online business owners

    “No more romanticizing about how cool it is to be an entrepreneur. It’s a struggle to save your company’s life – and your own skin – every day of the week.”

    — Spencer Fry

    Sure, being an entrepreneur is tons of fun. You get to make your own hours, be your own boss and have the opportunity to make more money than a lot of traditional jobs. All while chillin’ at home in your PJs.

    However, there’s a lot to it that you don’t see. On the surface, it looks like everyone is so well put together and having the time of their lives while doing something they love. But in reality, it’s a lot of hard work and stress.

    There are many times when you’re putting in more hours than a 9-5 and wondering when your hard work will finally start really paying off. And don’t even get me started on the lack of company healthcare benefits!

    On top of that, you may have trouble staying motivated and organized, or have to deal with feelings of inadequacy or jealousy. If you can’t handle criticism, it’ll be difficult to take in the necessary feedback from customers or potential customers to make you and your brand better serve them.

    I’ve been a part of various communities with tons of online entrepreneurs and small business owners for the last 13 years, including being one myself. I’ve made a list of areas where I’ve noticed myself and others struggling with running our business, both with day-to-day tasks and the stuff that goes on in our heads.

    I’ve further broken this list down into 6 major categories just so it’s easier to talk about them. These are the core topics that I really want to explore on Stay Goal’d.

    Let’s take a look!

    6 struggles faced by online entrepreneurs

    Maybe you’ve been doing this for a while, maybe you’re 3 months in and it’s really starting to get tough, or maybe you’re doing a little research before starting your own business. Either way, you’re bound to feel almost everything mentioned in this post at some point in your journey:

    • Keeping your motivation
    • Managing your time
    • Having a business money mindset
    • Keeping social without envy
    • Fear of taking risks
    • Caring for yourself outside your business

    I hope to provide some insight into how to deal with each of these topics on this blog. I’m sure I’ll eventually come up with more things that fit into each one, but these are where I’d like to start.

    “Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen.”

    — Wayne Huizenga


    First up is motivation. This one can get you before you’ve even started your business.

    At first, you may be excited to start planning a new idea. But after a while—or once it’s time to actually put your plans into action—the excitement dies off.

    Or maybe you do really want to work on your plans, but you have trouble finding the time. Then when you do have the time, you just can’t make yourself do what you need to do.

    Maybe it’s because of other outside stressors or you just have issues with procrastination, which are both things you can work on improving.

    With the right motivation, you can find the time you need to work on your business, even it’s just an hour or two a day.

    Here are a few motivation-related topics I plan to explore.

    Staying focused

    The world is full of distractions and with phones and apps like Netflix, it can be difficult to stay focused when working from home. Not to mention any distractions from family, roommates, or friends.

    My best tip for improving your focus is by using the Pomodoro Method. Whenever I find myself struggling, I turn to the traditional technique or a slightly modified version as a way to reward myself for focusing on work.


    Sticking with your work when it’s boring or seems like nothing you’re doing is really getting you anywhere is hard. Period. We’ve all had a time when we just wanted to quit (or actually did quit) because we weren’t seeing results fast enough.

    You need to find ways to improve your motivation when things get tough so you can push through plateaus and reach success.


    It’s easy to get caught up when trying to make every aspect of your business perfect, but that’s actually an unrealistic goal for most industries. When you find that it’s much harder or more time consuming to make sure everything is 100% perfect, you’re going to lose motivation real quick.

    As long as you’re not doing anything that will negatively impact a client or customer, “done” is much better than perfect! Don’t worry so much about getting things 100% right on the first try. You can always change and update things after you’re created them.

    You should also work on being able to manage unrealistic goals and expectations to keep yourself on track.

    “Setting the right priorities or having superior time management skill means knowing the difference between “must have,” and “nice to have.”

    ― Pearl Zhu, Thinkingaire: 100 Game Changing Digital Mindsets to Compete for the Future

    Time management

    Time is the most precious resource we have. Once time has passed, we can never get it back.

    That means we need to use the time we have wisely, something that’s often a difficult challenge when working from home. We have all our comforts around us and it’s easy to fall for the temptation to pay more attention to those distractions than to our work.

    Even if you have no problem focusing on your work, you might find there are some ways you can be more efficient or improve on setting your priorities on tasks. You may be working hard, but not on the things that actually move you forwards and towards accomplishing your goals.

    If you’ve ever felt like you’re stuck in the mud or like you’re going around in circles, looking at how you use your time may help you get out of this rut.

    Goal setting

    Setting goals for yourself is a good thing, but the problem happens when you set goals that are a bit too ambitious. Ambition is, again, a good thing, but if you decide you want to make $1,000 in a week before you’ve built an audience, it’s likely you won’t meet that goal.

    What you need to learn is how to set small, attainable goals to create a system that can make that $1,000. Having this system in place means you’ll eventually be able to keep earning week after week since you’ll have already built up the foundation.

    Planning ahead

    You may know where you want yourself or business to be in 6 months, a year, or 5 years from now, but aren’t sure exactly how to get there. I’m not gonna lie, it’s likely you’ll need to do some research on your specific type of business to find out what you need to do. But once you know what, you’re gonna need to plan out how you’re going to do all those things.

    Planning is closely related to goal setting as it’s essentially the steps you need to take to achieve those goals. This is what you’ll do to build your system that takes your business further than just an idea and a set of goals.


    Once you have goals and a plan, you need to actually do the work. This is where things get slippery with a lot of entrepreneurs.

    Motivation is often high at the start of projects but then dies off if your goals take too long to complete. Another reason why you need easily achievable goals!

    Practicing good productivity habits is one way to make sure you’re consistently working on your plan and checking off each goal on your list. You’ll also improve your ability to focus on tasks, which helps you get more done in less time.

    “Mastering the mindset of wealth is choosing to think about money, and your reality in relation to money, in a way that will make you rich, not keep you poor.”

    ― Jen Sincero, You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth

    Money mindset

    I’ve noticed that people often approach money and finances as a work-at-home entrepreneur in a manner that’s far too personal. Either they’re not willing or able to invest in their business or they invest in things that don’t make sense for where they are with their business.

    You don’t want to be spending too much money but you shouldn’t be spending nothing at all either. Understanding what you need and when you need it can help you make the right financial decisions so you’re not wasting money and that you’re using the money you do put in to make even more money.

    To help you understand the importance of smart money decisions, I’ll be going over the following areas:

    Business vs Personal

    Your business should have its own finances separate from your own personal earnings. You may have heard other entrepreneurs mention that they pay themselves like they would an employee. It’s the same as you would do if you had a physical business.

    This way, you can budget your business expenses and invest the money you make from it back into the business to make more money. This could be by purchasing new tools that make business tasks easier or for hiring employees so you can delegate tasks. This also gives you the fun of being able to give yourself a raise from time to time!

    Money blocks

    Money blocks can come in all sorts of forms or many different reasons. The most common ones I see from online entrepreneurs are an unwillingness to invest (or reinvest) in your business, not realizing the value of your work, and being afraid to ask for the sale.

    In order for a business to grow, you need it to be profitable. For this to happen, you have to make sales and you need to putk some of the money you make from those sales back into it.

    This is why it helps to have a set budget for various parts of your business, such as automation tools, ad spend, and outsourcing or hired employees. These parts help your business to grow and make more money. When your business is able to make more money, you’ll be able to pay yourself more.

    You also need to accept that businesses have upfront costs before they become profitable. Fortunately, starting a business online has some of the lowest startup and maintenance costs of any business.

    Responsible financial decisions

    Even if you are ready to invest in your business, you need to do so responsibly. You shouldn’t spend your last dollar on something that ‘might’ help you out. You should calculate risks and act accordingly.

    This also means investing in the right tools or employees at the right time. You shouldn’t hire a full team to manage your customer service if you’re only making a few sales a week.

    • Don’t purchase ads just for traffic; purchase them with the intent of converting them to customers.
    • Don’t buy a tool your business won’t be able to fully utilize until it’s at a larger scale.

    Instead, focus on investments that will get you even just one step ahead of where you are now. This way, you’ll always be moving forward at a pace you can actually afford.

    “However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.”

    — Stephen Hawking


    Who knew that there could be a bad side to trying to be more social (besides introverts everywhere—myself included)?

    It’s one thing to have friends or family who are unsupportive because they don’t understand what you’re doing, but it’s another to be around so many likeminded individuals who are doing the same things you are.

    This causes you to fall into some pretty dangerous thought patterns that could jeopardize your own success. You may find yourself constantly comparing yourself to others, becoming jealous or envious of colleague’s success, or be fearful of criticism or not take it constructively.

    I have seen all of these things in the various groups or entrepreneurs I’ve been a part of over the years. And yes, I’ve definitely experienced them myself. All of them!

    So don’t feel bad if you find yourself exhibiting any of these behaviors. instead recognize them and change your thinking.

    Lack of support

    Your friends and family may be amazing, supportive people, but even the most supportive people aren’t going to 100% understand everything you’re going through as an entrepreneur. This can make you feel lonely or like there’s no one to help when you have problems or questions.

    Joining a community of entrepreneur peers will help out a lot with this problem, but may cause issues with the next two things on this list.


    Seeing a bunch of people around you who are making more money than you or have a larger audience than you can make you feel like a failure. You need to avoid making comparisons to others around you because you don’t really know the full story of their success.

    Someone who has been working for 3 years has gone through a lot more than someone who has been going for 3 months. There are also a lot of different factors that can contribute to quick or slow success. Don’t let it bother you if someone else is doing better than you.

    Dealing with criticism

    This is something I see people struggling with a lot, myself included. No one likes to hear criticism about something they worked hard on, but it’s necessary when you’re trying to appeal to an audience bigger than just yourself.

    You need to know what people think about certain things so you’re not inadvertently turning off potential customers. Remember that anything people have to say isn’t a personal attack on you, it’s just a suggestion for how you can appeal better to them.

    If someone is throwing personal attacks at you, then that’s their problem and is more of a reflection of who they are than a reflection of your business.

    “If you can push through that feeling of being scared, that feeling of taking a risk, really amazing things can happen.”

    — Marissa Mayer


    Becoming an entrepreneur is life-changing and anything that requires or inspires a huge change in our lives incites a bit (or a lot!) of fear. For the positive changes we want to see, we often have to learn how to push through some uncomfortable feelings first.

    • Are you afraid to email your list because people might unsubscribe?
    • Do you hate asking people to buy because you don’t want to “seem salesy?”
    • Are you just waiting for someone to call you out on your lack of experience?

    Fear takes many forms in entrepreneurship, but the three below are what I’ve found to be the most common.

    Fear of getting started

    Getting started is the hardest part for some of us, especially when you’re not used to being the boss. Sometimes this is due to having too much or not enough information.

    You either feel overwhelmed by all the moving parts or you have no idea where to even begin. Other times it might be taking the next step in your business, like the email list example above or deciding it’s time to look into scaling through purchasing ads.

    Fear of success

    This one might seem a little weird but it creeps up on you in strange ways. You may want to land new clients or sell your products but have trouble actually going through the motions to do so.

    Facing these fears often requires you to just jump headfirst into the thing you’re so afraid of doing. Create that email sequence, mention your services, or ask for that sale.

    Imposter syndrome

    If you’re ever felt out of place next to peers, you’ve felt imposter syndrome. You may be just as good as everyone else around you, but you personally feel like you don’t belong there. This is especially true when you’re first starting out and you’re unsure of just how successful you can be.

    Instead of thinking of things you feel you can’t do as well as others, focus on the things you excel at. You may have a unique skill or talent that most other entrepreneurs in your space don’t have. Realize that because of this, you have some additional value besides the main focus of your business.

    “You will be your best self when you take time to understand what you really need, feel and want.”

    ― Deborah Day, BE HAPPY NOW!


    Last but not least is self-care. Taking care of yourself may inadvertently take a backseat to all the other things you want to work on in your business. However, you can’t stay focused and energized if you don’t take some time to care for your own needs and keep your physical and mental health in check.

    Simple ways to practice self-care as an entrepreneur include making sure you take breaks, get enough sleep, and eat enough meals in the day; preferably healthy meals but I can’t tell you how many pizza-fueled work sprints I’ve pulled to meet a deadline.

    Here on Stay Goal’d, I’ll be talking a lot about self-care along with other personal development topics in general, but I’ll be focusing on the following three specifically for entrepreneurs:

    Work-life balance

    Sometimes it’s tempting to keep working, working, and working because “hard work” is what improves your business, right? In other cases, your productivity habits may be so scattered that you end up pulling all-nighters or trying to fit a huge project into a few days of work time.

    Trying to keep up this mentality will eventually lead to burn out. Instead, it’s better to plan ahead and balance your work and other things in your life, like family, friends, or hobbies.

    Addressing your needs

    It’s easy to get caught up in what everyone else needs; your family, your customers, or your clients. But you are also a vital part of your business. It’s your creativity, your vision, and your planning that has gotten your business to the point it is now. You need to take care of yourself too!

    This may mean making sure your business can run without you when you need to take time off or it may mean that you make sure you work on your mental or physical health. Whatever it is, remember that it’s completely OK to think about your own needs first so you can continue to feel up to helping others.

    Getting enough sleep

    Feeling drowsy throughout the day is terrible for your productivity. For those of us working at home, it’s really easy to say “I’ll just take a nap” instead of push through and get things done.

    It’s better to get enough sleep at night rather than try to work after only getting 4 or 5 hours of sleep. Getting enough sleep will keep you awake and alert enough to power through your daily tasks rather than slog through them because you can’t stop thinking about how nice your pillow would feel.

    Make sure you give yourself enough days to complete projects so you’re not staying up late to finish things.

    “The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new.”

    — Socrates

    Phew! That was a lot, I know. But that goes to show you just how much entrepreneurs are really going through. And that’s with me limiting myself to 3 major subtopics per topic.

    Hopefully, after reading through this, you’re in the mindset to make a change—or at least you’re beginning to get into that mindset.

    If you’re interested in learning more about any of these topics, make sure you’re on the Stay Goal’d email list. You’ll get notifications for new posts as well as weekly tips to help you through your struggles.

    Be sure to check out the other posts on this blog for more advice as well.

  • Find Your Passion and Purpose in Life with These 15 Questions

    One thing that drives us to become entrepreneurs is the desire to “do what you want,” but are you even sure of what you really want? Have you been struggling you find your passion?

    If you’re lucky, you’ve already discovered many of your passions and get to spend much of your time enjoying things that bring you excitement and joy. However, maybe you’ve not yet connected with activities, skills, and interests that ignite your passion. It takes time, soul-searching, and some life experience to identify your true passions.

    “If you don’t love what you do, you won’t do it with much conviction or passion.”
    Mia Hamm

    Find your passion through these 15 questions

    The prompts below can help you tap into your wants, needs, desires, and fantasies. Have fun with them and discover what you can add to your life that will fill it with delight!

    What’s the one thing I’ve always wanted to do?

    Consider what would need to happen in order for you to carry through with this long-sought wish. Make a plan and get started.

    If I could spend today doing whatever I desire, what would it be?

    Let your mind go. It could be something related to your work, your home, or simply a lark.

    Where do I really want to live? What city and what type of residence?

    Perhaps you’re already fulfilling this passion and you do live in your true first choice. If not, ponder the possibilities of moving to a place you’ll love.

    Where would I like to visit?

    Perhaps you’re harboring a secret yearning to visit Washington, D.C. or Westminster Abbey in London. The streets of Hong Kong may be calling your name or even the Grand Canyon.

    Can you make it happen?

    What do I talk about doing but never do it?

    In a conversation, you might state something like, “For the last 10 years, I’ve really wanted to take a cruise to the Caribbean.”

    What are the reasons I don’t go after my dreams?

    Explore within yourself why you haven’t pursued the life you want. Can you do something differently to help bring your dreams to life?

    How will I finish the sentence, “More than anything, before I die, I want to ___________?”

    Say it out loud and fill in the blank. Then, figure out a way to accomplish your wish.

    What are the things in my life that I would like to get rid of?

    If you’re discovering you don’t love everything about your life, maybe it’s time to do some “housecleaning.” Make a list of the ways you’d like your life to change.

    Which people in my life inspire me and why?

    It’s important to know who inspires you so you can spend more time with them. What is it about them that lights you up so much? Decide to take every step to be inspired more often.

    If I were to make just one radical change in my life right now to make life better, what would it be?

    Your answer to this question will really open up your possibilities. Moving to a bigger city might really spice up your life.

    Getting more education might be a goal—plus you’ll likely make more money. You’ll be happier if you chase your dreams. Make 1 change.

    How do I feel when I put all my effort into accomplishing one of my goals?

    Notice these feelings. You’ll no doubt want to experience them more often.

    How do I feel whenever I achieve a life goal?

    Acknowledge how you feel whenever you complete a goal, whether it’s a a long-term goal or a simple daily goal.

    What’s missing from my life?

    Answering this question may require considerable soul-searching. Don’t think only about material things, but also connections or feelings.

    Who are my biggest supporters?

    It’s wise to know the people that will stand behind you and help you pursue your passions, no matter what.

    Who gets in the way of me achieving my goals?

    In order to find or achieve your true passions, you might be required to disengage from those who wish to counteract your efforts.

    “It’s your place in the world; it’s your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live.”
    — Mae Jemison

    Your true passions are inside you, just waiting to be let loose to bring you excitement, joy, and fulfillment. Take the time to go through each of these questions thoroughly. By the time you’re finished, you’ll discover something new about yourself!

  • 12 Ways to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

    “Acknowledging the unproductive thoughts and ineffective behavior that you’ve tried to ignore can be uncomfortable. But, stepping out of your comfort zone and choosing to proactively address bad habits will skyrocket your ability to create long-lasting change.”
    — Amy Morin

    While trying to think of titles for this post, I had quite a bit of trouble thinking of a different way to say “step out of your comfort zone.” Is there really any other way to say this, besides “broaden your horizon?”

    I couldn’t really find much, so I apologize for the lack of variation!

    But enough of that, let’s talk about how to get started with stepping outside of your comfort zone and a few ideas you can try to broaden your horizons, whether it’s in your personal life or related to your job or business.

    How to successfully step outside of your comfort zone

    An important aspect of self-development is to know when it’s time to change something about yourself. When you change, you often become more knowledgeable, skilled, and comfortable about a task or situation.

    As your business grows, you’re going to find yourself in a variety of new situations and new roles as you deal with marketing, production, accounting, and sales. And that’s just to name a few!

    Any kind of change, even if it will make your life more enjoyable or your business more profitable, can be difficult because it involves stepping out of your comfort zone.

    However, the more you push yourself to step out of your comfort zone, the more you gain. The more you gain, the easier and more likely it becomes that you’ll be willing to push yourself again in the future.

    For some of us, this might seem overwhelming, overly challenging, or just plain scary, but there are ways to expand your comfort zone gently. It doesn’t matter how you get there, as long as you complete the journey.

    Start slowly

    Before we get on to the list, let’s first talk about starting slowly.

    Big changes tend to feel the most uncomfortable, so it’s best to start with small first. The thought of doing 50 push-ups for the first time in five years is daunting. The thought of doing one isn’t a problem.

    Create small changes and then increase those changes over time. This is a great way to keep the discomfort at minimum.

    You might even find that after you take the first step, you’re willing to go just a little bit further right away. If not, that’s fine, you still made the first step!

    You can try something that’s on this list or refer to that list of your own that’s been sitting around in the back of your head.

    If you’ve been waiting for some sort of permission to act, I’m giving it to you right now! You don’t need it, but if it’s what’s been keeping you from trying something, here’s your sign to try it.

    Acknowledge any discomfort

    Your feelings are normal. Almost everyone feels a bit unsettled when they do something for the first time. After you identify those fears, it actually becomes easier to try something new.

    Jot down what scares you when it comes to engaging in the experience.

    Recognize that thousands of others have likely done what you want to embark on and they made it through.

    You may feel a bit fearful, but plan to dive in to the experience anyway.

    Recognize the awesomeness of trying something different

    You’ll always have the memory of the experience within you. Make sure you take a moment to soak in the feeling of pushing yourself past your self-imposed limits, especially if it was a positive experience.

    Knowing that you felt good or energized after completing the activity, and that the world didn’t fall apart, will help you feel more comfortable when its time for the next activity.

    Sprinkle your confidence on others

    If your friends tell you they feel like they never do anything interesting, give them encouragement to go for something they want to experiment with. Share a recent personal story of how you were hesitant to engage in a new experience. Tell them they can learn to embrace new things.

    Find a mentor

    If you still struggle when trying new things, find a mentor. Choose someone you see as the type of person who just goes for it, regardless of what “it” is. Spend time with your mentor and pick his brain about his process of experimenting with new things.

    When we see and learn about someone else’s bravery and sense of adventure, then we can be brave and adventurous, too.

    Visualize the desired experience

    Imagine what it will be like to experience something you’ve longed to do. Picture it in your mind.

    For example, maybe you’ve always wanted to go kayaking, but were afraid to try it. Close your eyes and imagine yourself sitting in the kayak, floating down the river. You see the birds, the fauna, and the fish in the water.

    As you let yourself visualize the experience¸ you see that it will be marvelous. Then, go sign up for your first kayaking lesson!

    Stepping out of your comfort zone can be an exhilarating experience. Lose yourself by trying new things. Who knows, you may even discover a whole new you! At any rate, you’ll greatly increase the enjoyment in your life.

    12 ideas to broaden your horizons

    Do something new once a week

    Don’t get stuck in a rut. Instead, open your mind to original ideas and experiences. Engage in a new activity every 7 days or so.

    Maybe you’ll try reading a biography instead of a mystery. Jogging every so often on your daily walk brings variety.

    I like to do one huge new thing that’s completely out of character for me each month as well. If I keep it at just one thing, Often it’s really exciting because it’s something I’ve always wanted to do.

    You can try this with something that’s exciting for you but you’ve been off, too.

    Eat something new

    Most of us are a little hesitant to try a new food, but it’s a non-threatening way to stretch your comfort zone. Try a new restaurant or a new fruit from the grocery store.

    Perhaps there’s a new recipe you’ve been curious to try for the first time. Go for it!

    Read something new

    Not just new, but something that’s totally different from what you’d normally read. Use reading to gain a different perspective or just enjoy something out of the ordinary.

    Take a new route to work

    Better yet, don’t look at a map beforehand. Follow your instincts and see where you end up. Hopefully, you’ll make it to work on time.

    You should not remain in your comfort zone; if you want to make it big, you must challenge yourself, get out of your comfort zone, and succeed in doing well outside of your comfort areas.

    Unplug for an entire day

    Turn off your phone, the internet, and the television. This will be more uncomfortable than you think.

    Even if you don’t completely unplug, try cutting yourself off from your main device. While my situation wasn’t one I created on purpose (a part in my computer burned out), the life-changing decision to start blogging came because I was cut off from my usual routine.

    At the time I didn’t think it would become a business for me, but going through the process helped me realize I had other talents and knowledge that people wanted to know—something that I could market and sell. Finally, I could see a way to build a business so I could get out of my other business that was starting to take much more time and make much less money.

    Sit in a different place

    Sit on the couch instead of your favorite chair. Choose a different seat at the dining table.

    Strike up a conversation with a stranger

    It doesn’t have to be a drawn out, twenty-minute affair. If you can maintain a conversation for 30 seconds, consider yourself successful. There are plenty of people in the world available for practice.

    Write about a personal topic

    Do you struggle with writing email newsletters to your email list? Do you find it difficult to come up with ideas for your business’s social media?

    Try taking a personal topic and explaining how it relates to your products or services. Someone out there in your audience can probably relate and this email or post will get their attention.

    Apply for a new job that’s a step up from your current position

    You might feel like a bit of an imposter, but that’s okay. Worst case? You might get the position and a new career. Your bank account might even benefit.

    Call someone you haven’t spoken to for at least six months

    Just pick up the phone and do it. You’ll feel great about it afterwards.

    Travel out of the country

    If you’ve never travelled outside your home country, you might be in for quite a shock. The food, people, and culture can all be different. Apply for a passport and consider where you’d like to visit.

    Give yourself a thrill

    Tackle something that makes you a little fearful. Go skydiving or ride a roller coaster. Give a speech. Take a dance class.

    Sit by yourself in silence

    This can be tougher than you think. Turn off all your devices and just sit alone with yourself. Avoid allowing yourself to daydream. Just stay with yourself for at least 30 minutes.

    “Step outside your comfort zone because that’s the only way you’re going to grow. “

    — Madeline Brewer

    Expanding your comfort zone opens up numerous possibilities. Think about how your life would change if your comfort zone were larger. It’s possible to accomplish this without the pain you might imagine.

    Stretch your comfort zone a little bit each day. You may be surprised how big of an impact a small change can make!

  • 8 Effective Habits of Successful People

     “Winners make a habit of doing the things losers don’t want to do.” 
    ― Lucas Remmerswaal

    Being an online entrepreneur who works from home requires a certain discipline. You have to be able to get your done despite all the comforts and distractions that home life brings.

    Develop habits shared by other successful entrepreneurs to promote balance, stability, and success in your own life while enjoying the amazing opportunity you have to work in your pajamas.

    Graphic that says 8 effective habits of successful people

    Practice these 8 habits for success as an online entrepreneur

    Increase your chances of building a successful business by implementing these 8 success habits into your life.

    Establish a solid work ethic

    If you haven’t realized it already, it takes a lot of time and effort to grow your business, especially if you’re going at it alone. You often have to wear many hats, being your own content creator, social media marketer, graphic designer, accountant, and whatever else your business needs.

    Until you’re able to hire other an assistant or grow a team, you need to be prepared to get work done in all these areas in order to achieve your business goals.


    It’s best to have things done right and on time in your business. Your reputation as a business owner will depend on it.

    With yourself as the face of your business, you can’t hide behind a company or brand name when clients or customers are unhappy. You’ll be the one expected to be producing quality work or products in the timeframe you promised.

    “If you believe you can change – if you make it a habit – the change becomes real.”

    ― Charles Duhigg, The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business

    Manage your time wisely

    Time is the most precious resource, so how well you use it is directly related to how successful you can become. Juggling all your responsibilities will be difficult, but manageable with various techniques.

    Always have a plan and work when you know you won’t have any distractions, even if it’s just a few minutes at a time.

    Have a plan for each day

    One easy way to get started with time management is to plan each day the night before.

    Never go to bed without a clear idea of what you’re doing to do the next day. It also makes a relaxing way to spend time before winding down for the night.

    You can write down your plan in a journal, use a project management app, or just leave a note for you to find in the morning.

    That way when you wake up the next day, you’ll know exactly what you need to do and you won’t waste time trying to figure out where to start.

    Wake up early

    In entrepreneurship, time is often relative, but everyone has a definition of “early.” With that in mind, for those of you looking to do business at traditional hours, make sure you’re up and rolling before the average person.

    Some successful entrepreneurs are even up before 4 am, but it’s up to you to decide what will work best for you.

    Waking up before the most excitable events in your daily life gives you some extra time to eat breakfast, plan ahead, and have some “you” time.

    “We become what we repeatedly do.”

    ― Sean Covey, The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens

    Set achievable goals

    You can work as hard and smart as you want, but if you don’t have a clear path to where that work will lead, you might end up actually achieving nothing.

    Having a clear, goal-focused plan will help you make the right decisions for your business. Decision that will keep it moving forward rather than in circles.

    Set goals for what you want to accomplish today, this week, this month, this year, and 5-10 years from now.

    Actually deal with your stress

    Being an entrepreneur can be really stressful, but for many, the freedom is worth it. Unfortunately, you may be dealing with stressful situations often, especially when you’re still trying to nurture your idea into a full-fledged business..

    You need to learn how to acknowledge and manage any stress and anxiety rather than try to ignore them or let them consume you. Have a process for dealing with stressful situations and managing your anxieties.

    Find a support group of like-minded entrepreneurs who can understand your situations and offer help, advice, or just a friendly ear to listen when you need to vent.

    Prepare for obstacles

    It’d be nice if everything would always go according to plan, but the truth is, it won’t. Plan ahead for the “what-ifs” that could happen during a project, a launch, or just day-to-day business.

    Try to keep note of any potential setbacks. If you know you don’t have much experience with something, give yourself extra time to work through it or practice ahead of time if you can.

    Deal with any challenges that pop up immediately rather than putting them off until later.

    Work as ahead of yourself as you can rather than waiting until the last minute.

    “The quality of your habits will determine the quality of your future.”

    ― Clyde Lee Dennis

    Questions to ask about your current habits

    Use these questions to reflect on your current habits and any changes you should make.

    What are your current habits?

    Have they helped you or harmed you on your path to business success?

    Do you know why?

    Discover what new habits you need to focus on building to achieve the success you deserve.